before you start the challenge, read this letter:

Dear Travis, 

I wanted to thank you for showing me how to actually live out the life of Increase and Abundance that the Bible promises us. 

A life that continually trends upward…

Each day truly better than the last… 


A life where I don’t have to even consider money anymore… 

It's amazing - 

I now live in the house I want to live in… 

In the neighborhood I want to live in…

I drive the car I want to drive… 

I put my kids in the BEST school… 

I can give more generously than I ever dreamed of… 

(I now give more money than I used to make!)

Yes, the money stuff is great, I don’t have to worry about finances anymore,but more importantly…

I feel more close to God than I ever have before, I hear His voice clearly and He’s constantly guiding me into new opportunities…

My relationship with my spouse is off the charts better than it used to be, we have consistent date nights and are more in love now than when we first got married…

My kids are flourishing at church, at school and at home… 

I’m personally more fulfilled than ever, I know my purpose now, and I am excited and passionate about what I do and what I’m working towards. (I used to dread Mondays, now I love them!)

I’ve even dialed in my health and fitness a bit. (Not something I was really into before, but thanks to your program I now see that it is INVALUABLE!)

See, I’ve always known this “Increase Life” was out there, because I saw so many others living it out… 

I’ve read the Bible, I read that God wants me to prosper, He wants me blessed, He wants me to do well… 

I totally believed that. 

The problem was, I didn’t know HOW. 

HOW do I get those things to happen for me?

HOW do I make those things real in my life? 

Because at the time, they definitely weren’t happening for me…

I had spent YEARS in torment…

Looking at my situation (mainly my financial situation) and wondering, “God,why?" 

Why is this so hard? 

Why am I always struggling? 

I know the problem isn’t You God… So what’s wrong with me?”

It seemed like I was “doing everything right…”

I was showing up to church…

I can truly say I love God with all my heart…

I’d even give from time to time as the offering bucket passed by…

But just like my parents, and my grandparents, I found myself struggling, living basically paycheck to paycheck…

I always had just enough to get by, but couldn’t help but think: 


This not how Christians are supposed to live. 

This doesn’t feel like the "Blessed Life" that God would want His children to live. 

I definitely wasn't living in the land of more than enough...

It felt like the fruit of my life was misrepresenting who God is.

I didn’t like my job, I did my best at it sure, but deep down I knew I was meant for more…

There was something in the back of my head, more accurately - in my heart - that was telling me, Keep going. 

Push for more... 

Stop shrinking back...

Stop living in fear...


I realized that is exactly what I was doing. 

I was tolerating average. 

I had learned to live with just "good enough." 

The worst part is - I KNEW there was this "better" life out there. I KNEW IT!

I was fed up with it. 

I made the decision I was going to change my situation.

Whatever it takes, I'll do it. 

I'm in.

The devil had kept me down, suppressed and mediocre long enough. 

I remember I had never signed up for an "online course" or coaching program before, but something told me that if I don't take different actions... 

...I won't get different results. 

Well my current results weren't working for me, so...

I took a "different action" and joined your program. 

I was a mix of nervous and excited, but above all that I was committed.

I forced myself to leave all preconceived notions aside and just focus in on the message. 

It got me reading my Bible more than ever, and I began to see things in the Word that I didn't even know were there! 

I began to understand how God's "Kingdom Economy" works and how to create wealth, increase and abundance in a way that honors God and helps other people at the same time... 

I learned how to truly TRUST God, let go of my fears, worries and anxieties and live in this place of, for lack of a better word, "supernatural peace." 

I began to experience a new excitement, a new momentum for life that I haven't felt in years... 

My spouse and family could feel it as well. (Also I couldn't stop talking about it lol) 

As I began to actually implement these "Increase Principles" that you taught, the most amazing thing happened... 


(Imagine that right?) 

Some of the results came overnight, others came with time, but they CAME. 

Increase came. 

I saw it in my money, I saw it in my relationships, my spouse, I saw it in opportunities... 

More business and money making opportunities and ideas came to me than I knew what to do with... 

This stuff works. 

It's all backed up in scripture. It has to work. 

I finally realized why I hadn't experienced this "Increase Life" up until this point, even though it was right under my nose and available to me this whole time... 

Again, thank you for creating Increase University and all your "Increase" coaching programs...

Without it I would still be stuck where I was last year... 

Satisfied with "just enough." 

Okay with just getting by... 

Working a job I didn't enjoy, and being paid far less than I was worth...

But not anymore. 

And the best part? 

I'm just getting started. 

Here's to a life of CONTINUAL INCREASE.  
Are You a Christian Who Feels Frustrated Financially?

You're About to Achieve Your Next Financial Breakthrough in Just 5 Days

...Without Budgeting , Cutting Expenses or Even Being a "Better Steward"

Are You a Christian Who Feels Frustrated Financially? Join The Free "Increase" Challenge to:

Free Challenge Reveals: 
How to Finally Get Out in Front of Your Finances, Demolish Your Debt and Never Worry About Money Again!

...No Budgeting , No Cutting Expenses and I Won't Even Tell You to Be a "Better Steward!"

By the End of this Challenge You'll Be Able to:
  • Finally Get Your Financial BREAKTHROUGH: Using Kingdom Increase Principles (NOT rehashed "budget your life away" teachings. We are anti-frugal here!)
  • Have Financial Confidence: So you can rest easy knowing you'll always have "more than enough" and can trust God with your finances...(No more sleepless nights!)
  • Remove Negative Emotions From Money: So that you can make smart money moves that result in INCREASE, not lack, fear, concern or anxiety...
  • You'll Learn How to Use WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE in Your  Hand to Create Financial Increase so that you'll never have to worry about where money will come from ever again!
Are You a Christian Who Feels Frustrated Financially?

Destroy Old Money Mindsets & Unlock Your Financial Breakthrough 

In The Next 5 Days...All Without Budgeting , Cutting Expenses or Even Being a "Better Steward"

Are You a Christian Who Feels Frustrated Financially?

What If You Could Experience Financial Increase Without Budgeting, Cutting Expenses or Even Being a Better "Steward?"

...What if there was a better way to get ahead financially?

Are You a Christian Who Feels Frustrated Financially?

Want to Experience Financial Increase But Hate Budgeting and Don't Want to Cut Back On Your Current Lifestyle?

I'm With You! There's Actually a Better Way, and It's Called "The Increase Method"






For Christians Who Aren't Afraid To Increase Their Income, Impact & Influence...This Truly Will Be A Challenge Like NO OTHER.
For Christians Who Aren't Afraid To Increase Their Income, Impact & Influence...This Truly Will Be A Challenge Like NO OTHER.

My Big Promise To You:

...By The End Of This Challenge You'll:

  • See Money, Increase & Finances In a Whole New Light. This will absolutely change your relationship with money, faith and your Purpose.
  • Know Exactly What The Bible Says About Increase, Wealth, Abundance & Prosperity. Have a deeper understanding of how money actually "flows" and be able to tap into your "Divine Financial Advantage" that you have as a believer. 
  • Be Able To Make Faith-Based Financial Decisions That Result In Abundance... Not Lack. How do you handle unexpected money situations? I'll show you how to make sure you come from a place of faith, not fear, so you come out of any situation on-top.

During The Next 5 Days You'll Discover:

  • Learn a new, "recession proof" skill set that can pay you for the rest of your life (Hey, that's more than college ever did for you!)
  • ​How to setup and run your own "Mini" Advertising Agency (NO previous experience required!)
  • How to get your first clients coming TO YOU (And how to do without being salesy, sleazy, or pushy)
  • ​How to deliver for your clients and keep them addicted so they pay you month after month
  • Use your new skill set to create financial breathing room, pay off debt, or scale up and replace your paycheck completely (<-- That's what I did ;)

Check Out The Results People Are Getting DURING The Challenge!

(Each Prospect is Worth About $1k Per MONTH...How Many Clients Will You Land In The Next 5 Days??)






There will also be a private community for extra coaching and Q & A so that failing is not an option!

My Big Promise To You:

...By The End Of This Challenge You'll:

  • See Money, Increase & Finances In a Whole New Light. This will absolutely change your relationship with money, faith and your Purpose.
  • Know Exactly What The Bible Says About Increase, Wealth, Abundance & Prosperity. Have a deeper understanding of how money actually "flows" and be able to tap into your "Divine Financial Advantage" that you have as a believer. 
  • Be Able To Make Faith-Based Financial Decisions That Result In Abundance... Not Lack. How do you handle unexpected money situations? I'll show you how to make sure you come from a place of faith, not fear, so you come out of any situation on-top.

My Big Promise To You:

...By The End Of This Challenge You Will:

  • You'll Have Absolute Confidence and Certainty When It Comes to Your Finances So That You'll ​Never Be Plagued By Financial Fear, Worry or Concern Ever Again. 
  • ​Be Able to Walk In the Financial Prosperity, Increase and Abundance God Promised You. No more "spending as little as possible" and living a small, decreased life.
  • Know How to Take Control and Come Out ON-TOP of Any Financial Situation So You Never Have To Worry About Money or Lose Sleep Over It Ever Again...
*I also promise I won't tell you to budget, cut your expenses, or stop drinking lattes! 😉

During The Next 5 Days You'll Discover:

  • Learn a new, "recession proof" skill set that can pay you for the rest of your life (Hey, that's more than college ever did for you!)
  • ​How to setup and run your own "Mini" Advertising Agency (NO previous experience required!)
  • How to get your first clients coming TO YOU (And how to do without being salesy, sleazy, or pushy)
  • ​How to deliver for your clients and keep them addicted so they pay you month after month
  • Use your new skill set to create financial breathing room, pay off debt, or scale up and replace your paycheck completely (<-- That's what I did ;)

Check Out The Results People Are Getting DURING The Challenge!

(Each Prospect is Worth About $1k Per MONTH...How Many Clients Will You Land In The Next 5 Days??)

By Now, I'm Sure You've Tried to Get Ahead By...

  • Budgeting Your Life Away...
  • Downloading *Another* Money Management App...
  • ​Going Through "Decrease University" 😉
  • Cut Out All Your Favorite Things In Life...
  • ​Downsizing Your House to an Apartment...
  • ​Cut Your Cable to Save Money
  • ​Sell Your Car and Buy an Old Crappy One with Cash...
  • ​Being More "Disciplined"
  • ​Being a "Better Steward"

...How's That Working For Ya??

...You need something different. 

...You Need the INCREASE METHOD™️

So What Happens When You Choose To Live The "Increase Life?"

✅ My wife and I have given over half a million dollars to our church/charities

✅ Moved into the best neighborhood in our city

✅ Put all three kids in the top private Christian schools

✅ Created simple online businesses that retired both of us from our day jobs

✅ Drive the most luxurious mini-van in all the land 😂 

✅ Created time freedom to serve, teach, lead and volunteer at our church on the regular

✅ Pursuing what God has CALLED us to do, rather than just work a soul-sucking day job for the paycheck 

✅ Collected two great rental properties (with more on the way)

✅ Living a life that we “can’t wait to wake up for”

✅ ZERO financial concern or worry whatsoever, God always meets our needs and we know that.

🤔 So how did we pull all this off??

🧐  How did we “Rewrite the rules” when it comes to finances and increase?

🤷🏻‍♂️ Why does everyone else seem to struggle and we just cruise to the next level?

Discover How toRewrite the rulesWhen It Comes to Your Money.

There are these “almost hidden” frameworks or rules of Increase that the Bible lays out. 

They’re actually pretty clear and direct, but most people overlook them. 

And more importantly, when other people teach financial lessons from the Bible, they seem to lean towards lack, scarcity, and the fear of running out…

But my Bible doesn’t say that. 

The exact opposite in fact. 

There is story after story, example after example, framework after framework that literally shows us how to “Activate Increase” in all areas of life (Including our bank accounts) 

And that’s the set of “Rules” I chose to live by. 

That’s why I’ve gotten exceptional “Increase” results when others are still struggling or just living paycheck to paycheck.

That’s why we’ve never actually struggled financially. (Yes, I will boldly say that) 

I don’t have this crazy testimony where I was broke and living on someone’s couch and my wife and I couldn’t pay the electric bill.


You'll Never Worry About Money Again When You Understand This Principle...

Because I always lived by these key, Increase Principles laid out in God’s word.

My testimony is that I’ve been able to create a life that continually trends upward, each day truly better than the last.

And I want that for you. 

In fact, it’s my Assignment, to get these principles, these “Strategies for Increase” into you. 

To remove hidden poverty mindsets. 

Uproot financial fears around guilt, greed or shame. 

To teach you the step by step, actual HOW TO’s around financial increase. (Not just theory) 

So you too can become ALL you were meant to become. 

So that you too can live WORRY-FREE when it comes to your money...

So that you too can tap into that "Increase Life" and give as generously as your heart desires...


Then click below, join us in this epic, 5 day coaching experience and I'll show you how to breakthrough to your next financial level FAST.

❌ The "Old Way" to Get Ahead Financially

AKA What the other financial "gurus" are telling you (but aren't actually practicing themselves)


✅ The New, Better INCREASE METHOD™️ Way

By using Kingdom Principles that focus on growing, not shrinking back...


  • First - Become a Super Budgeter: Create a complicated budget that's absolutely impossible to stick to and go into lockdown mode and spend the rest of your life trying to spend as little money as possible....
  • Second - Fail at Being a Super Budgeter: Feel guilty about not being able to stick to it, give into the accusations of the enemy that you're greedy, selfish and ungrateful...Go download another budget app thinking maybe this one will be your magic bullet answer and somehow you'll get rich. (Side note: No one ever budgeted their way to wealth)
  • Third: Give up all hope of ever getting ahead financially, concede to the false notion that maybe God just wants you broke, otherwise He would've made you "better with money" and in fact you're completely happy and satisfied living paycheck to paycheck and you tell yourself you're actually more Godly this way, and that anyone who wants to increase in life is just selfish and loves money...
  • Fourth: You die broke, alone and nobody remembers your name...(Okay that one was being dramatic, but I think you get my point ;)
  • ​Actual Best Case Scenario: You actually do get really good at spending as little money as possible, you cut out Starbucks, you never eat out, you downsize your house to a crappy apartment, you sell your car and buy clunker with cash... but now you're afraid to touch that money because you just lived your whole life afraid, you've also wasted the prime years of your life living like a hermit in a crappy apartment, never going out, and always afraid to spend money, never fully enjoying life but instead your whole aim was to not spend money....Consequently you die like you're broke, alone and nobody remembers your name ;)


  • First: I show you how to activate your Covenant Blessing Rights that God promised His Children. You begin to take action and watch as blessing and prosperity begin to flow into your life like never before...
  • Second: You begin to allow God to be your Provider, stress, worry and overwhelm just melt away...All your fears about money go out the window.
  • Third: Instead of failing at another budget or trying another "app" I show you how you can be spirit led in your spending, allowing you to purchase things freely and without the fear of running out. (No more money stress OR guilt)
  • ​Fourth: You realize that in Deuteronomy 8:18 God promised you the power and ability to get wealth. I show you how to activate that promise using what I call an "Increase Avenue" and you begin to Increase financially so fast your head will swim.
  • Fifth: As you take your place as this new "Money Warrior" you now walk in complete financial confidence, you've now partnered with God on your money so that He can actually Bless it...
  • ​Actual WORST Case Scenario: You pay off debt, increase financially, take control of your money and begin investing in your future...and hey, let's go ahead and upgrade your cars and house while we're at. Maybe put your kids in the top private school in your district. All without budgeting, living small or cutting out all the things you enjoy in life!


"I love that Travis isn't afraid to talk about money and making more of it. Most Christian teachers and leaders shy away from it or take a watered down approach. NOT TRAVIS lol. He's unafraid, I'd even say bold as he talks about why Christians should be the most financially successful people in the world. But what he's really good at is showing you how to actually make it happen. This isn't just theory, this is ACTION. I can't say enough good things about Travis and this Increase Method. "

Over the Next 5 Days:

Each Day We'll Get Together, You'll Learn an "Increase Strategy," You Will Have a Worksheet and an Increase Assignment, All Designed to Accelerate You to the Increase Life and Bring You to New Levels of Prosperity as Fast as Possible. (Again,  I Promise You've Never Experienced a Challenge Like This Before!)

DAY 1: "Becoming an Agent of Increase"

In this paramount training  you'll discover:
  • The BULLETPROOF Promise God made to us regarding our finances...
  • Why it seems like some people are Blessed more than others (And how to be one of those "Blessed Ones")
  • The Key to Unlocking Increase Starting Right Now

Featured Image Headline

The BULLETPROOF Promise God made to us regarding our finances...
Why it seems like some people are Blessed more than others (And how to be one of those "Blessed Ones")
The Key to Unlocking Increase Starting Right Now

DAY 1: Becoming an "Agent of Increase"

Why your financial success MATTERS to God, why you must become wealthy and how to become an Agent of Increase

In this breakthrough training you'll discover:

✅  The BULLETPROOF Promise God made to us regarding our finances...

✅  Why it seems like some people are Blessed more than others (And how to be one of those "Blessed Ones")

✅  The Key to Unlocking Increase in you life starting right now.

DAY 1: Activate Your Divine "Blessing Covenant"  So That You'll Never Experience Lack Again...

Let me guess, you've heard that God wants you to prosper and walk in abundance, but it doesn't seem like its working? Where is this abundant life God promised? By the end of this first session you'll know exactly what to to do tap into this amazing "Prosperous Life" you've been hearing so much about!

In This Breakthrough Lesson You'll Discover:

✅  The BULLETPROOF Promise God made to us regarding our financial success...and how to tangibly experience it! (Note: There is no budgeting required!)

✅  Why it seems like some people are Blessed more than others (And how to be one of those "Blessed Ones" - - learn the secret!)

✅  The Key to Unlocking Increase in you life starting this very second. (Even if it feels like you've already tried everything!)

DAY 2: How to Experience Financial Increase Without Feeling Guilty, Greedy or Shameful.

Ever experience feelings of guilt or unworthiness when it comes to making more money? Do you worry that if you make a lot of money you'll become a greedy jerk or just plain bad person? - Today you'll learn why that is actually impossible and will NEVER happen to you. 

On Day 2 You'll Discover:

✅ How to completely, 100% remove all worries or concerns about becoming greedy or selfish once you begin to experience financial increase (This one less alone will instantly cause your bank accounts to level up)

✅  Why being a "Good Steward" has actually kept you broke, poor and living paycheck to paycheck (It will blow your mind when you see what the Bible teaches about this topic - get ready to be set free!) 🤯

✅  The #1 reason you're still not where you want to be financially - and the super easy fix for it. (Most Christians have NO CLUE about this and when you fix it, money will begin to flow effortlessly into your life)

DAY 2: How To Use Your Faith For Financial Increase

The Bible says that God has given us the "Power to Get Wealth" - Question is, how do we actually use that power?
  • How to use your faith "On Purpose" to bring about a desired financial result...
  • Why it "seems" like sometimes God answers your prayers and sometimes He doesn't...
  • Icon: Change the icons in the settings

DAY 3: Reprogramming Your Mind for Increase

The Bible says that God has given us the "Power to Get Wealth" - Question is, how do we actually use that power? ...And why haven't you experienced that power yet?

DO NOT MISS DAY 3: (Life - Changing)

✅  The simple steps that actually "reprogram" your mind and spirit so that you can tap into your Divine Financial Advantage. (This will literally "Recession Proof" your life!)

✅  Why Budgeting down is NOT the answer; in fact, the "spend as little as possible" mindset actually leads you down the path of decrease.  I'll show you how to LIVE BIG now...and later!  

✅  Key scriptures I use like Weapons of Increase - I'll show you how to take ahold of them and apply them to your financial situation too so that you can begin to see results immediately.

DAY 3: The Stewardship LIE and How It's Been Keeping Your Broke...

Dave Ramsey would not approve of this message (Sorry Dave 😉)
  • Why "Budgeting" will not bring you increase (And what to do instead)
  • Eliminating Hidden Poverty Mindsets That Are Holding Back Your Success
  • The Completely MISUNDERSTOOD Parable of the Talents...(Trust me, you've NEVER heard anyone teach this - it will completely change how you see "stewardship")

DAY 4: Locating The Hidden Poverty Mindsets That Are Holding Back Your Breakthrough

Imagine being able to spend money more freely, have big financial margins and stop being concerned about money once and for all...Today we will make all that happen!

On Day 4 we'll decimate any and every limiting belief that has been secretly holding back your Increase!

✅  How to upgrade your identity from grasshopper to GIANT-SLAYER. (So that you can get out of the Middle Class money trap and join the 1%)

✅  The key phrases and thought patterns that are responsible for your current financial situation (and exactly how to FIX them so that you can bust through to the next financial level. Go from 50k to 100k or 100k to 300k+)

✅  Secrets of the Millionaire Money Mindsets my multi-million dollar clients have, that you Christians must adopt as well. (What they are and how to "install" them immediately)

DAY 4: Punch Fear in the Face & Never Worry About Money Again

*This may be the most valuable training you ever receive. Imagine what life would look like if you didn't every worry about finances again?...DO NOT MISS THIS ONE*
  • The 3 Steps I use to SHUT DOWN Any Financial Concerns that may arise (Once and for all!)
  • Key Scriptures that will instantly remove fear, doubt, worry and anxiety around your money (or anything else for that matter)
  • ​How to CLOSE THE DOOR on the devil (and send him packing anytime he tries to mess with you!)

DAY 5: How to Set The Laws of Accelerated Increase Into Motion!

Now let's speed up our Increase results! Increase likes speed.

DAY 5: The Most Powerful Lesson of All:

✅  How to set the laws of ACCELERATED INCREASE into permanent motion in you life (So that this "life of Increase" becomes your new normal and you continue to increase day after day, month after month and year after year)

✅  How to CRUSH IT in the Big 5 Categories of life: Your Faith, Finances, Fulfillment, Family and Fitness. (Money matters, but if you're not Increasing in all 5 areas you'll never be happy)

✅  Where to go from here:  Great news - The 5 Days of Increase Challenge is just the tip of the iceberg. Now that you've become an Agent of Increase, it's time to take your training to the next level.  I've created some exciting next steps for you!

DAY 5: Accelerated Increase:  How To Create A Life Of Increase, Abundance And Overflow In Every Category Of Life 

This is the lesson the Church world is missing - after coaching over a hundred highly successful multimillionaires,  I've learned there are key "success" mindsets and action steps that Christians just aren't taking. And the result have been subpar. That all changes today...
  • Eliminating Hidden Poverty Mindsets That Are Holding Back Your Success
  • Feature: Explain the benefit of your products
  • Icon: Change the icons in the settings
Dear Travis, 

I wanted to thank you for showing me how to actually live out the life of Increase and Abundance that the Bible promises us. 

A life that continually trends upward…

Each day truly better than the last… 


A life where I don’t have to even consider money anymore… 

It's amazing - 

I now live in the house I want to live in… 

In the neighborhood I want to live in…

I drive the car I want to drive… 

I put my kids in the BEST school… 

I can give more generously than I ever dreamed of… 

(I now give more money than I used to make!)

Yes, the money stuff is great, I don’t have to worry about finances anymore,but more importantly…

I feel more close to God than I ever have before, I hear His voice clearly and He’s constantly guiding me into new opportunities…

My relationship with my spouse is off the charts better than it used to be, we have consistent date nights and are more in love now than when we first got married…

My kids are flourishing at church, at school and at home… 

I’m personally more fulfilled than ever, I know my purpose now, and I am excited and passionate about what I do and what I’m working towards. (I used to dread Mondays, now I love them!)

I’ve even dialed in my health and fitness a bit. (Not something I was really into before, but thanks to your program I now see that it is INVALUABLE!)

See, I’ve always known this “Increase Life” was out there, because I saw so many others living it out… 

I’ve read the Bible, I read that God wants me to prosper, He wants me blessed, He wants me to do well… 

I totally believed that. 

The problem was, I didn’t know HOW. 

HOW do I get those things to happen for me?

HOW do I make those things real in my life? 

Because at the time, they definitely weren’t happening for me…

And I couldn't find ANYONE to teach me HOW to get these principles, scriptures and promises to work in my life.

People weren't sending me "miracle checks" in the mail...

And my business wasn't supernaturally exploding with new clients or sales...

I legit didn't know what to do, but I knew I couldn't stand still.

I had spent YEARS in torment…

Looking at my situation (mainly my financial situation) and wondering, “God,why?" 

Why is this so hard? 

Why am I always struggling? 

I know the problem isn’t You God… So what’s wrong with me?”

It seemed like I was “doing everything right…”

I was showing up to church…

I can truly say I love God with all my heart…

I’d even give from time to time as the offering bucket passed by…

But just like my parents, and my grandparents, I found myself struggling, living basically paycheck to paycheck…

I always had just enough to get by, but couldn’t help but think: 


This not how Christians are supposed to live. 

This doesn’t feel like the "Blessed Life" that God would want His children to live. 

I definitely wasn't living in the land of more than enough...

It felt like the fruit of my life was misrepresenting who God is.

I didn’t like my job, I did my best at it sure, but deep down I knew I was meant for more…

There was something in the back of my head, more accurately - in my heart - that was telling me, Keep going. 

Push for more... 

Stop shrinking back...

Stop living in fear...


I realized that is exactly what I was doing. 

I was tolerating average. 

I had learned to live with just "good enough." 

The worst part is - I KNEW there was this "better" life out there. I KNEW IT!

I was fed up with it. 

I made the decision I was going to change my situation.

Whatever it takes, I'll do it. 

I'm in.

The devil had kept me down, suppressed and mediocre long enough. 

I remember I had never signed up for an "online course" or coaching program before, but something told me that if I don't take different actions... 

...I won't get different results. 

Well my current results weren't working for me, so...

I took a "different action" and joined your program. 

I was a mix of nervous and excited, but above all that I was committed.

I forced myself to leave all preconceived notions aside and just focus in on the message. 

It got me reading my Bible more than ever, and I began to see things in the Word that I didn't even know were there! 

I began to understand how God's "Kingdom Economy" works and how to create wealth, increase and abundance in a way that honors God and helps other people at the same time... 

I learned how to truly TRUST God, let go of my fears, worries and anxieties and live in this place of, for lack of a better word, "supernatural peace." 

I began to experience a new excitement, a new momentum for life that I haven't felt in years... 

My spouse and family could feel it as well. (Also I couldn't stop talking about it lol) 

As I began to actually implement these "Increase Principles" that you taught, the most amazing thing happened... 


(Imagine that right?) 

Some of the results came overnight, others came with time, but they CAME. 

Increase came. 

I saw it in my money, I saw it in my relationships, my spouse, I saw it in opportunities... 

More business and money making opportunities and ideas came to me than I knew what to do with... 

This stuff works. 

It's all backed up in scripture. It has to work. 

I finally realized why I hadn't experienced this "Increase Life" up until this point, even though it was right under my nose and available to me this whole time... 

Again, thank you for creating Increase University and all your "Increase" coaching programs...

Without it I would still be stuck where I was last year... 

Satisfied with "just enough." 

Okay with just getting by... 

Working a job I didn't enjoy, and being paid far less than I was worth...

But not anymore. 

And the best part? 

I'm just getting started. 

Here's to a life of CONTINUAL INCREASE!

👉 If want this letter to be yours too. Click this link.

Watch This Video If You've Ever Thought: 

"I Should Be Further Along In Life By Now"


Increase "Instigators"

These Daily"Instigators" Are Designed to Challenge The Way You View And Behave With Your Money. Past Students Claim This Is The MOST Valuable Part Of All I Teach. (You're gonna like it!) 

Daily "Increase Instigators"

Will help you instantly identify and eliminate the limiting financial beliefs you have that are secretly holding you back your prosperity for years!

✅  Designed to get you out of your comfort zone and force you to Increase! (Hey, it's called a "Challenge" for a reason right?) 😉

✅  Past students RAVE about these - they're fun, different and yes, slightly uncomfortable - but this is what's required to achieve NEW RESULTS in life. 

✅  The wealthy have habit patterns that the poor and middle class do not. We'll tap into those habit patterns during this challenge so you can begin to experience life as they do.
After completing these, your Increase Mindset will be so established in you that you won't even recognize yourself!

SUPER BONUS: 48 pg Time-Collapsing Companion Guide!

⏰ For a limited time I'm giving away this 48 page digital version of the Increase Challenge Companion Workbook absolutely free for those who join TODAY.

Speed Up Your Increase With Your "Time Collapsing" Companion Workbook:

✅  Fill in the blanks, power scriptures and thought provoking questions will help learn, retain, and understand these new Faith-based principles and lessons for increase.

✅  $97 Value  - We'll send it to you instantly and 100% free. Download it, pull it up on your phone, or print it out and follow along with your Increase Workbook Companion Guide that will take this entire experience to the NEXT LEVEL!

✅  I've invested HOURS UPON HOURS putting together this companion guide for you. When you combine visual learning (my videos) + Hearing the audio + Writing and filling in the blanks + Repetition + God's Word + Increase Assignments...YOUR FINANCIAL INCREASE WILL BECOME INEVITABLE.

YOU'LL HAVE AN UNFORGETTABLE LEARNING EXPERIENCE that gives you a deeper understanding and revelation on God's Word and His plan for your increase!

$97 Value - Yours FREE When You Join Today!


"For me, money has always caused me a lot of worry and anxiety. I used to lose sleep over it, fight with my husband about it, worry about not having enough. Travis showed us over and over again in the Word where God promises to be our Provider and that we would never lack. Once I learned that Promise, Travis was able to show us how to actually make it active in our lives. And that was the part we were missing. I don't worry about it any more and God has shown up countless times as our Provider. The peace of mind I now have around money is something I never thought I'd be able to have. Thank you Travis!"
Take Control of Your Finances. Recession Proof Your Life. Obtain a Skill That Will Pay You Forever.

Never Let the Economy, A Job, Or A Boss Control Your Income EVER AGAIN...

...This is Your Opportunity to Take Back Control of Your Life, Your Time and Your Freedom with a Simple "Mini" Ads Agency!

*For a Limited Time: Join Our 5-Day Challenge Experience For Faith-Based Entrepreneurs
($1,997 Value!)


For all my Faith-Based Entrepreneurs out there…

Those of you who love God and dream of making more income and more impact...

You’re in the right spot...

This challenge is for YOU. 

Over ten years ago I began my online business journey for the SAME reasons that are motivating you to start your business too...

You’re tired of AVERAGE.

(Because you're not average!) 

You're not okay with just "clocking in and clocking out" for the rest of your life...

You drag yourself to your day job, but it's sucking the life out...

You tell yourself, "one day it will get better" - but deep down you know that's NOT true...

UNLESS you take a new course of action... 

The reason you're unsatisfied, unfulfilled is because you know you were meant for MORE... 

You know you’ve been Called to something bigger… 

Something exciting, something new...

You’re passionate about family, church, serving God and helping people…

You have that entrepreneurial spark, a spirit that's full of ideas and adventure! 

You dream about being more generous, blessing your family and following the dreams and desires God has placed in your heart...

You see others living the life you want - 

...Time freedom

...Financial freedom 

...The nice cars, the big houses, the vacations 

Those are all GREAT things and it’s totally okay to want them…

In fact, it makes God look good when his kids are blessed and prosperous in ALL areas of life!

But there's also a desire for mission, impact and fulfillment...

And that’s exactly what brings me to you today. 

See there’s only TWO reasons you don’t have the lifestyle you desire: 

1. Lack of specific knowledge 
2. Taking action on THAT specific knowledge 

I’m going to help you with both. 

I’ve been a successful online entrepreneur for the past decade, generating multiple millions of dollars from my personal businesses and for my clients… 

I’ve also coached countless, church-going entrepreneurs on how to create a simple online income, replace their paychecks and many have even gone on to successful six figure MONTHS...

Throughout all my experiences, a recurring theme has become extremely clear and evident… 

There is something that separates the successful from those who fail and quit... 

It’s not that they were “genius” business people or great on camera, or had a lot of money to start with… 

They didn’t have college degrees or anything like that… 

No, none of those things really matter…

They were armed with these three things: 

> A proven plan 
> Grit
> A mentor

They bought an online course and followed it to the “T”

They had determination. 

They made the decision to go ALL IN. 

They made the commitment that they weren’t going to stop trying until they hit their goals. 

They had someone that held their feet to the fire, encouraged them, gave them advice and direction and kept them accountable...

And that’s why I designed the “Replace Your Paycheck” 5-Day Challenge, the way I did… 

To teach you a new, extremely-valuable skill set...

To hold your hand along the way… 

To keep you accountable… 

To make sure you push through… 

To keep you on track…

To give you my PROVEN plan, the step by step process that works RIGHT NOW...

That’s my mission - to help you win.

Because when you succeed, God succeeds…

There’s no doubt in my mind you’re going to do great things with your newfound income and time freedom…

You’ll honor him, build His Kingdom and change lives...

This program is EXACTLY what I wish I had when I was getting started… 

Someone to put their arm around me, keep me on track and make sure I’m taking the RIGHT steps in the RIGHT order…

It would have saved me YEARS of trial and error…

I would have been able to shortcut A LOT of the process and start from a place of winning, instead of having to claw my way up to the top...

That’s why over the next 5 days, I’ll be “mentoring” you and coaching you on how to create a SIMPLE online income all from your laptop… 

There are hard ways to make money online, and there are easy ways... 

I'm going to show you the easy ways... 

By the time this challenge is over - you’ll have the skillset, the PROVEN plan and the accountability you need to FINALLY take action and start living out your dream...

(In fact, many of you, the action-takers, will make their first $500-$1000 per month client before the challenge is even over!)

Imagine what it will feel like to know that: 

You never have to worry about a job ever again… 

You have financial security with your new skillset... 

You can create financial margin whenever you want…

You can increase your income to upgrade homes, cars etc… 

You can “retire” your spouse from his or her day job…(Then you as well!) 

Give more generously than you ever dreamed of...

For those of you who have read this far down on the page…

YOU are who we’re looking for...

YOU have what it takes to make it this time...

I don’t care if you’ve failed in the past…

I don’t care if this is the tenth “challenge” you’ve signed up for this year… 

This time it’s different. 

This time everything changes. 

This time it STICKS. 

Success isn’t just for other people - it’s for YOU TOO. 

THIS time you’ll have access to all you need (not just some of it) 

> A proven plan 

> Grit, determination, commitment  

> A coach to hold your feet to the fire

With those three things - you CAN'T lose… 

And you’ll have all three during the challenge… 

I’ll make sure of it. 

So if you’re ready to finally do this - 

You're tired of dabbling and want to learn the BEST way to make a simple income online… 

Using a model that works in ANY economy (in fact many are saying it’s working BETTER THAN EVER right now - because of this economy!

Then click below and join the challenge. 

I’ve got your first “assignment” waiting for you on the other side… 

-Travis Peters

P.S. This the same business model I used to get create $6k a month recurring revenue in just 30 days for myself (I did it as an experiment to prove it works RIGHT NOW in today’s world and economic climate - I’ll give you the detailed case study of this inside the challenge as well) 

results from those who have worked with me:

  • The absolute BEST online business model for replacing your paycheck FAST (Most can fully replace their paychecks in 60-90 days or less using this new "Mini-Agency" model)
  • How to set up your business RIGHT from day one (Even if you're not tech savvy and have never done this before)
  • The SIMPLE way to effortlessly land new clients and have them pay you $500, $1,000 even $1,500 per month for just a few hours of work per month (Without be salesy, sleazy or pushy...In fact I'll show you how to have them chase YOU down and beg to work with you!)
  • Case Studies and Walkthroughs of powerful campaigns, ads and funnels
  • We'll also talk mindset, money, faith and mission - This is your chance to get Insider Access, mentorship with me personally, ask questions and get REAL answers! (Shortcut your success and skip the trial and error process)


5 Days of Top-Tier Financial Increase Coaching, Training & Lessons So That You Remove All Financial Lids & Limiting Beliefs ($497 Value)

Faith-Based, Scripture Backed Mindset Exercises That Will Remove The Hidden Poverty Mindsets Holding Back Your Success  - FINALLY Experience the Increase You Deserve! ($297 Value)

Daily Action Steps, Reminders & "Increase Assignments" Designed to Get You to Take Immediate Action So That You Get Results FAST. ($197 Value)

The Increase Challenge Facebook Group To Stay Accountable with Fellow Believers, Ask Questions and Help Each Other CRUSH It Financially ...($297 Value)

48 Page "Time-Collapsing Companion Workbook" That Will Deep Seed & Solidify the Lessons in Your Heart, Mind and Spirit Once and For All ($97 Value)

Now That's $1,385  Worth of VALUE  Am Giving You for FREE! 

🚨 But Wait! 🚨

...What If I Sweeten The Deal Even More, Making It a Complete No Brainer?

120% Satisfaction Guarantee - An Offer You Can't Refuse:

When You Join the Challenge Today, Do the Homework, Show Up in the Group and Complete All Your "Increase Assignments" and Still Find Absolutely NO VALUE In The Increase Challenge Lessons...

...If You Can Honestly Tell Me It's The Worst Money You've Ever Spent and You Regret Investing in Me and the Message God Has Put On My Heart to Teach You...

I Will Give You 120% Of Your Money Back.

So You Have Two Great Options Here:

Either You Have a Transformative Financial Mindset Breakthrough...

Or I Give You Your Money Back With Some Extra On Top For Your Time.

Either Way You Slice It, You Can't Lose - There's Literally NO RISK.


And Now, Since There's No Longer Anything Holding You Back...

Click Below and Join the Increase Challenge Movement!

Lets Transform You Into the Wealthy Warrior You Were Called to Be.

Pop In Your Info and Officially Join The 5 Days of Increase Challenge So You Can Kiss Your Financial Worries Goodbye Forever, ONCE AND FOR ALL!

Congratulations. Watch This Quick Video & IF You Can Agree to the Statement Below, Check the Box and Let's Get You Started!

Step #1: Drop In Your Info to Begin Your Challenge!

but will it work for you??

Of Course It Will, It's God's Word. It has a 100% Success Rate! But if it helps, here's what other people experienced:

"Before joining the Increase Challenge and then Increase University I definitely had limiting beliefs around money because of things I had been taught by my church growing up. I thought that to be holy, you should be broke and 'lowly' ...Turns out I was 100% wrong! Travis has helped me completely transform my mindset about money, he showed me that me making more money does not mean I'm taking away from other people, and that God's children should be the most financially successful because they're going to do great things with that money! Travis provides so much value I would have paid $5K for Increase University. Not kidding" -Khalea K.
"One of Travis' unique gifts is to break down God's  promises and scriptures for Increase and teach you how to ACTUALLY apply them in your real life! Most people just teach you what the Bible says, but very few actually teach you WHAT to do and HOW  to do it. If you get a chance to work with Travis through one of his challenges or coaching programs, DO IT."  -Alex N.
Every time I look at investing in a coach, a course or a program, I ask myself: 'Does that person live a life that I want to live? Does that person truly have the result I want to get? And Travis is that person. He not just teaches the 'Increase Life' he lives it out himself!"  -Lucas R.
"I felt like there was a big puzzle piece missing. Then I saw an ad for one of Travis' programs and it captivated me. Travis backs everything up in scripture, he teaches you how to live the increase life, how to be a blessing to others, pay off other people's car or whatever is on your heart...This program has changed everything for me, it's corrected my mindset and put me on the right path"  -Ryan R.
"It's easy to rave about the Increase Challenge and Increase University. Travis doesn't teach you to budget down, he teaches you to increase up! It's step by step how to increase your finances and your lifestyle (without budgeting and without focusing on just saving money) So for the person on the fence about joining...Get out of your comfort zone and say YES to joining the program so that you can obtain the Increase Lifestyle" -Kevin B.
"...I grew up a Christian, I've always tithed, so has my husband, but we've never really walked in wealth... Reason being is there's always been this since of shame and manipulation that made it feel sinful to be wealthy. That's simply not true and not how God intended. God has already provided abundance and wealth and health and joy for us, but we just had to learn how to walk in it. If you're on the fence, go sign up! It's so, so good - you won't be sorry!" -Sally S.
"Travis' training is phenomenal. It will absolutely change the way you think about finances and yourself. Your life wasn't meant to be lived broke, busted and disgusted. You're supposed to be a blessing to others, but you can't do that if you're broke yourself! Travis will show you exactly what to do. You need someone in your life who has already been there and can get you there too. You'll find that inside the Increase Challenge and Increase University. Join the challenge, join the course, you will NOT regret it." -Aaron B.
"Working with Travis has been nothing short of a very profitable blessing. It's been a tremendous experience, if you have the opportunity to join any of his programs, do it - you'll never regret it. He's taught me so much that has put so much money in my pocket in a way that I enjoy. He's truly changed my life!" -Ruddy O.

why you should take this unique challenge:


Oh man, if you've ever listened to Travis Peters before, then you already know the answer to this question! Travis brings a boldness and directness to say the things that need to be said, and talk about the topics everyone else is afraid of. He is firmly rooted in the "Increase Mindset" meaning he believes that God is a God of increase, of more than enough, of abundance and prosperity...NOT a God of decrease, lack and scarcity. Travis will teach you how to make faith-based financial decisions that will result in increase, not decrease. His heart behind the "Increase Message" is don't cut back, instead focus on growth and gaining more! He brings a fun, energetic and contagious energy about him, he'll entertain, inspire, encourage AND give you the action steps needed to get your desired results.  Trust me. I know first hand. There is NO ONE  else teaching this stuff. 

 Who is this challenge actually for?

This is Challenge is for anyone who KNOWS there is more to life than they're currently living. You know God wants you to be successful, you know He wants you to increase financially, but you're just not currently seeing those results in your life yet. This is for people who've ever said, "I thought I'd be further along in life by now." In this challenge you'll receive the action steps to accelerate you to the place you ought to be at by now. You'll gain a new momentum and excitement for life that you haven't had in years, and you'll grow close with your relationship to God simultaneously. 

 Who is this NOT for?

I'm looking to help those who are highly motivated, committed and determined...Dabblers need not apply! This is not for those who believe God wants them average, mediocre and to have "just enough." This challenge is for those who know that God is a God of MORE THAN ENOUGH - but you just haven't quite figured out how to tap into it.

 How do I join the challenge?

Just click any of the blue buttons on this page and you'll be taken to a sign up form. Once you enter your contact info, you'll be taken to the next page where you can officially join the challenge! Check your emails and keep us "whitelisted" so we don't go to your spam folder as we will do most of our communicating there.

 I've tried and failed at stuff like this before, what makes this different?

If you're tried and failed in the past, don't lose heart! Don't get discouraged! The enemy wants you to quit, in fact he doesn't even want you to start! This time it's going to be different for you. If you've failed in the past, I need you to know it's not your fault. You simply didn't have all the tools you needed to succeed: A plan, a mentor, and accountability. That's the recipe for success, and that's what we provide during this challenge!

 What if I can't attend every day?

That's okay! Just come for as much of the challenge content as you're able. We'll keep the content up an extra day or so after the challenge is over if you need to catch up.


"I never resonated with the whole, 'cut expenses like crazy, live like a broke person, don't spend any money' mentality that other teachers/preachers seem to have. Travis' approach is MY TYPE OF APPROACH. He wants you to increase, never decrease, move forward, never backward. He knows what the Bible says and backs all of his teaching up in scriptures. I've honestly never heard or seen anything like it. My wife and I began implementing Travis' frameworks and strategies and our money, business, marriage and overall happiness went up at least 3 new levels! Take his courses and do what he says. You won't regret it." 


For all my Faith-Based Entrepreneurs out there…

Those of you who love God and dream of making more income and more impact...

You’re in the right spot...

This challenge is for YOU. 

Over ten years ago I began my online business journey for the SAME reasons that are motivating you to start your business too...

You’re tired of AVERAGE.

(Because you're not average!) 

You're not okay with just "clocking in and clocking out" for the rest of your life...

You drag yourself to your day job, but it's sucking the life out...

You tell yourself, "one day it will get better" - but deep down you know that's NOT true...

UNLESS you take a new course of action... 

The reason you're unsatisfied, unfulfilled is because you know you were meant for MORE... 

You know you’ve been Called to something bigger… 

Something exciting, something new...

You’re passionate about family, church, serving God and helping people…

You have that entrepreneurial spark, a spirit that's full of ideas and adventure! 

You dream about being more generous, blessing your family and following the dreams and desires God has placed in your heart...

You see others living the life you want - 

...Time freedom

...Financial freedom 

...The nice cars, the big houses, the vacations 

Those are all GREAT things and it’s totally okay to want them…

In fact, it makes God look good when his kids are blessed and prosperous in ALL areas of life!

But there's also a desire for mission, impact and fulfillment...

And that’s exactly what brings me to you today. 

See there’s only TWO reasons you don’t have the lifestyle you desire: 

1. Lack of specific knowledge 
2. Taking action on THAT specific knowledge 

I’m going to help you with both. 

I’ve been a successful online entrepreneur for the past decade, generating multiple millions of dollars from my personal businesses and for my clients… 

I’ve also coached countless, church-going entrepreneurs on how to create a simple online income, replace their paychecks and many have even gone on to successful six figure MONTHS...

Throughout all my experiences, a recurring theme has become extremely clear and evident… 

There is something that separates the successful from those who fail and quit... 

It’s not that they were “genius” business people or great on camera, or had a lot of money to start with… 

They didn’t have college degrees or anything like that… 

No, none of those things really matter…

They were armed with these three things: 

> A proven plan 
> Grit
> A mentor

They bought an online course and followed it to the “T”

They had determination. 

They made the decision to go ALL IN. 

They made the commitment that they weren’t going to stop trying until they hit their goals. 

They had someone that held their feet to the fire, encouraged them, gave them advice and direction and kept them accountable...

And that’s why I designed the “Replace Your Paycheck” 5-Day Challenge, the way I did… 

To teach you a new, extremely-valuable skill set...

To hold your hand along the way… 

To keep you accountable… 

To make sure you push through… 

To keep you on track…

To give you my PROVEN plan, the step by step process that works RIGHT NOW...

That’s my mission - to help you win.

Because when you succeed, God succeeds…

There’s no doubt in my mind you’re going to do great things with your newfound income and time freedom…

You’ll honor him, build His Kingdom and change lives...

This program is EXACTLY what I wish I had when I was getting started… 

Someone to put their arm around me, keep me on track and make sure I’m taking the RIGHT steps in the RIGHT order…

It would have saved me YEARS of trial and error…

I would have been able to shortcut A LOT of the process and start from a place of winning, instead of having to claw my way up to the top...

That’s why over the next 5 days, I’ll be “mentoring” you and coaching you on how to create a SIMPLE online income all from your laptop… 

There are hard ways to make money online, and there are easy ways... 

I'm going to show you the easy ways... 

By the time this challenge is over - you’ll have the skillset, the PROVEN plan and the accountability you need to FINALLY take action and start living out your dream...

(In fact, many of you, the action-takers, will make their first $500-$1000 per month client before the challenge is even over!)

Imagine what it will feel like to know that: 

You never have to worry about a job ever again… 

You have financial security with your new skillset... 

You can create financial margin whenever you want…

You can increase your income to upgrade homes, cars etc… 

You can “retire” your spouse from his or her day job…(Then you as well!) 

Give more generously than you ever dreamed of...

For those of you who have read this far down on the page…

YOU are who we’re looking for...

YOU have what it takes to make it this time...

I don’t care if you’ve failed in the past…

I don’t care if this is the tenth “challenge” you’ve signed up for this year… 

This time it’s different. 

This time everything changes. 

This time it STICKS. 

Success isn’t just for other people - it’s for YOU TOO. 

THIS time you’ll have access to all you need (not just some of it) 

> A proven plan 

> Grit, determination, commitment  

> A coach to hold your feet to the fire

With those three things - you CAN'T lose… 

And you’ll have all three during the challenge… 

I’ll make sure of it. 

So if you’re ready to finally do this - 

You're tired of dabbling and want to learn the BEST way to make a simple income online… 

Using a model that works in ANY economy (in fact many are saying it’s working BETTER THAN EVER right now - because of this economy!

Then click below and join the challenge. 

I’ve got your first “assignment” waiting for you on the other side… 

-Travis Peters

P.S. This the same business model I used to get create $6k a month recurring revenue in just 30 days for myself (I did it as an experiment to prove it works RIGHT NOW in today’s world and economic climate - I’ll give you the detailed case study of this inside the challenge as well) 

Travis Peters is now the world's #1 "Increase Coach" and has an uncanny ability to teach Christians how to prosper financially, remove fear from their lives and thrive in any situation or circumstance.

He's an entrepreneur, author, speaker and creator of wildly successful online courses, curriculum and training programs that will help you ABSOLUTELY DOMINATE your financial realm: "Increase University, Mini-Agency. Accelerator, Escape Your Day Job Masterclass and the "$10K Christians" Coaching Programs.

He put together this challenge for all of those who have ever thought, "I should be further along in life than I am right now " 😔

If you follow his instructions during the course of this challenge, he will get you to where you SHOULD be and beyond...

Your financial breakthrough will become inevitable.

This has nothing to do with budgeting, cutting expenses or spending

We show you how to live a life of INCREASE now, not decrease...

(In other words, Dave Ramsey would not approve of this teaching) 😉

If you're looking for your Financial Breakthrough...

If you're looking for Increase and Acceleration, you're in the right spot.



"I can honestly say Travis has a unique and refreshing style like no one else out there. He's like a Christian version of Gary V combined with Robert Kiyosaki.  He tells it like it is, he cuts the fluff and is in your face direct. AND I LOVE IT." 


"I never resonated with the whole, 'cut expenses like crazy, live like a broke person, don't spend any money' mentality that other teachers/preachers seem to have. Travis' approach is MY TYPE OF APPROACH. He wants you to increase, never decrease, move forward, never backward. He knows what the Bible says and backs all of his teaching up in scriptures. I've honestly never heard or seen anything like it. My wife and I began implementing Travis' frameworks and strategies and our money, business, marriage and overall happiness went up at least 3 new levels.  Take his courses and do what he says. You won't regret it." 


"I grew up in a household where I was taught that being wealthy was bad. We always associated being rich with being greedy. I didn't realize I was doing that until I went through Travis' training materials.  I had old poverty strongholds that had to be uncovered and rebuilt. Travis showed me how to do that and now I'm beginning to experience the financial increase that God has made available to me!"


"For me, money has always caused me a lot of worry and anxiety. I used to lose sleep over it, fight with my husband about it, worry about not having enough. Travis showed us over and over again in the Word where God promises to be our Provider and that we would never lack. Once I learned that Promise, Travis was able to show us how to actually make it active in our lives. And that was the part we were missing. I don't worry about it any more and God has shown up countless times as our Provider. The peace of mind I now have around money is something I never thought I'd be able to have. Thank you Travis!"


"As an entrepreneur, I'm driven by progress. I want to achieve new levels. New levels of money, sales, business...But also in my personal life, marriage, family, my purpose...Travis' frameworks that he teaches are so simple and easy to follow,  they have God at their core, AND show you how to have success and take new ground. Long gone are the days of Christians being average. It's time we rise up and take our place at the top."


"I love that Travis isn't afraid to talk about money and making more of it. Most Christian teachers and leaders shy away from it or take a watered down approach. NOT TRAVIS lol. He's unafraid, I'd even say bold as he talks about why Christians should be the most financially successful people in the world. But what he's really good at is showing you how to actually make it happen. This isn't just theory, this is ACTION.
I can't say enough good things about Travis and this Increase Method. "
It's Time You Got Control of Your Financial Realm. Join The Challenge And Accelerate Your Financial Breakthrough.